Introducing world class
e-learning platform
powered by global  

e-Learning at it's best

SAN GREGORIO offer state of the art online learner and course management systems which help students with ease of access to knowledge, courses, research facilities and libraries worldwide. SAN GREGORIO College provides learners the most advanced eLearning delivery system customized for the college by Global Academy (Online) Powered by Global. *Powered By Global is one of the nation’s leading developer of the most advanced state-of- the-art total eLearning and immersive online systems for higher education providers and Christian colleges worldwide – specifically designed .to maximize each student’s learning, knowledge, education and Christian worldview.

SAN GREGORIO College learner management system is accessible through browser for pc / mac and as APP for mobile devices.

Learning on the Go!

SAN GREGORIO mobile apps allow you to connect with your classes 24x7. Through our 24/7 mobile app you can always study when you want and as much as you want - no matter whether you are home, away, or travelling.

Introducing un-imaginable powerful immersive education platform for learners

Introducing SAN GREGORIO, next-gen Immersive education platform. Immersion is a perception of being physically present in a non-physical world. This technology offer both Naraative & Spatial Immersion experiences.